Is There a Religious Revival in Sports?
It’s a deepening of trends that have been building for years, but the scale and visibility of the connection between sports and Christianity in public life is greater than ever. Athletes are more confident in sharing their faith, supported by a social media ecosystem that allows them to connect directly with like-minded fans and Christian influencers who eagerly amplify faith-themed quotes and statements from the sports world.
9 Things Athletes Can Give Up for Lent (and What to Replace Them With)
Lent isn’t just about giving something up—it’s about replacing it with something better. As an athlete, your time, energy, and focus are valuable. Instead of simply removing something, Lent is an opportunity to replace lesser things with habits that build you up spiritually, mentally, physically, and relationally.
Why Even Coaches Need a Coach
Most of us understand there is some level of expectation to model Christ-like behavior to the athletes under our leadership. But what does it look like for us to grow in our walk with the Lord?
Coaches need to be discipled too.
6 Bible Verses Coaches Can Pray Over Their Players
Praying Scripture is one of the best ways we can pray for our players because the Bible expresses God’s will, God’s character, and God’s promises.
The Strength of Weakness in Sport
Sport culture often equates weakness with failure, but the biblical narrative offers Christian athletes and coaches a countercultural view: we are actually strongest when we embrace our weakness.
The Most Concerning Statistic for Youth Sports Parents
What if, in our pursuit to help our kid be the best possible athletic version of themselves, we are contributing to a system that’s more likely going to lead to joyless play and them hanging up their cleats because of pressure from us?
Simplifying Prayer for Athletes and Coaches
Prayer isn’t about being seen or celebrated. It’s a quiet act of faith. It’s not meant to be flashy or something to post on social media. When it comes to prayer, sometimes athletes and coaches just need a place to start.
A (Dude) Perfect Theology of Play
Dude Perfect presents a potential model for what play and sports could look like on the New Earth.
What Can Coaches Learn From Jesus About Leading Their Teams?
Most coaches have a plan for X’s and O’s, but what about one for building a healthy team culture? What does it look like to gameplan for culture in the same way that we gameplan for championships? And what, if anything, can we learn about this from the ministry of Jesus?
The Christian Coach’s Offseason Reflection Guide
Coaches must do the hard work of introspection. It honors God, creates space for reflection and growth, and helps us better serve those we are called to lead.
Soul Care for Injured Athletes: Identity
This is the first in a four-part series about how athletes can approach injuries in a way that honors God and utilizes the resources that God has given us for hard seasons of life.
Sports Ministry as an Identity
9 ways to use sports ministry as a tool for validation. And what it looks like to minister out of a place of freedom.
How Should Christian Athletes Think About Personal Branding?
We need a biblical perspective that integrates faith and ethics to provide guidance for Christian sports people as they navigate the complexities of personal branding in their lives and interactions.
Super Bowl Shout-Outs for God, and What That Means for Us
5 things for Christians to consider when athletes talk about God after the game
Christian Athletes and Pride Games: Seeking a Kind and Faithful Response
As a Christian athlete (or a Christian sportsperson) who believes and abides by a traditional biblical sexual ethic, how should one respond to Pride Games? The issue is complex, making it difficult to find a one-size-fits-all answer. However, it is worth our time to carefully consider our specific circumstances and discern the next best step.
Glorifying God in Sport from A to Z
There are plenty of different ways to glorify God in sports beyond the usual “try your best” and “give God the credit.”
Why Christian Athletes Should Embrace a Better Mascot
In the Bible, God refers to us not as lions or other ferocious predators, but as sheep. And sheep need a Shepherd.
Let’s Talk About Patrick Mahomes
Yeah, Mahomes messed up. But his statement of remorse should be celebrated. The foundation of Christianity is not perfection, but forgiveness.
Sharing the Gospel in Sport
Paul does five things in Acts 17 that we would do well to take notice of and put into practice in our own efforts to share the Gospel in the context of sports.
7 Habits of a Grateful Coach
Gratitude functions like any other muscle in our body—it gets stronger if we consistently give it attention and push it beyond its level of comfort. Conversely, if we fail to work it out, our ability to be thankful naturally atrophies. It needs to become a habit.