Paul Putz Paul Putz

Is There a Religious Revival in Sports?

It’s a deepening of trends that have been building for years, but the scale and visibility of the connection between sports and Christianity in public life is greater than ever. Athletes are more confident in sharing their faith, supported by a social media ecosystem that allows them to connect directly with like-minded fans and Christian influencers who eagerly amplify faith-themed quotes and statements from the sports world.

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For Coaches Brian Smith For Coaches Brian Smith

Why Even Coaches Need a Coach

Most of us understand there is some level of expectation to model Christ-like behavior to the athletes under our leadership. But what does it look like for us to grow in our walk with the Lord?

Coaches need to be discipled too.

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For Coaches Brian Smith For Coaches Brian Smith

7 Habits of a Grateful Coach

Gratitude functions like any other muscle in our body—it gets stronger if we consistently give it attention and push it beyond its level of comfort. Conversely, if we fail to work it out, our ability to be thankful naturally atrophies. It needs to become a habit.

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