The Christian Coach’s Offseason Reflection Guide

Coaches, you need to stop and take inventory of where your heart is at.

You need to pause, reflect, and listen. Without a seasonal time of reflection, you could drift away from your original love, calling, and mission. Perhaps you feel like everything is out of control, and that life is passing by. Have you noticed increased fear, anger, and isolation? Maybe you’ve been causing pain and hurt to people close to you. This isn’t what you signed up for. This isn’t the outcome you’ve wanted. 

I know that is not every story. There is a chance you are feeling strong and crushing it! 

You know you are created by God to have a Kingdom impact. You are meant to lead from a full cup. To have a nourished soul. To care well for your family and lead your team with joy. God’s desire for you is to be a blessing to your community. 

By investing time with the Lord to process the past, you can avoid the coaching grind that is destroying your soul, family, and team. God wants to cleanse your heart, renew your focus, and revitalize your coaching. Will you give space to grieve and celebrate? To confess and give thanks? I implore you, slow down. Take time. Dig deep roots. Play the long game. 

Every year, I go through these assessments and reflection questions. It brings to light what is really going on in my life, under the surface. After going through the process with the Lord, you will walk away with renewed perspective, clarity, and simplicity. And with hope. I pray you walk away with hope. The end goal is to leave this time with your 3 top priorities and 5 simple goals in the most important areas in your life. 

Carve out at least 90 minutes to go through this Coach’s Reflection, but it could be a 3 hour morning with the Lord. Turn off the notifications on your phone, bring your Bible, a journal to write in, and different colors of pens or markers if you have access to them. Customize this guided time of reflection to work for you, but my advice is to go to a place of inspiration. Go somewhere beautiful that speaks to your soul. Make sure you find a quiet place, without distractions. Going to a quiet place is what Jesus did often (Mark 1:35).

 The reality is that you cannot do this alone. You need God’s grace. So let’s cry out and draw near! 

 May God bless your time and guard your mind. May the Holy Spirit convict, guide, and speak through God’s Word. You, Coach, have the greatest influence in our culture and communities, but coaching is so, so hard. I pray that you will slow down, be filled with peace, and that your cup will be overflowing next season.

Chad Simpson

Chad Simpson coaches others to passionately follow Jesus and multiply. He is the Tennis Director at Athletes in Action, author of The Freshmen: 15 Lessons to Ace the Next Semester of Your Life, and Host of the Walk Like a Champion Podcast. He loves being married to his bride, Emily, and being dad to his four children. Connect with him on Instagram at chad_simpson.


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