Simplifying Prayer for Athletes and Coaches

I am convinced that one of the best things we can do as Christians is to pray. 

But if I’m honest, prayer doesn’t come naturally to me, and I often struggle with it. Over my 15 years of ministry with athletes and coaches, I’ve seen that many of you likely resonate with those feelings. Why is it that one of the most important things we can do, pray, is also something we often find so difficult? What is it about prayer that makes it a struggle? Why does it matter, and what can we do about it?

Prayer can feel like a struggle because it’s counter-cultural. Our sports world often says, “Get noticed. Make the big play. Be the center of attention.” But prayer isn’t about being seen or celebrated. It’s a quiet act of faith. It’s not meant to be flashy or something to post on social media. Think about a basketball player who quietly puts in hours of practice in an empty gym. No one is there to cheer them on, but that hidden work makes all the difference on game day. Prayer is similar. Jesus often modeled this by withdrawing to lonely places to pray (Luke 5, 6, and 9).

Another reason we struggle with prayer is that we often want immediate results. We pray, and we expect quick answers with big, obvious wins in our circumstances. But when those answers don’t come right away or in the way we want, it’s easy to get frustrated and give up. This is especially hard in a sports environment where we’re conditioned to measure success by immediate outcomes, like scoring a goal or getting a win.

In the fast-paced life of a sports person, constantly moving from workout to workout, we rarely pause to be still. While culture pushes us to "Go," God invites us to "Be still" and spend time with Him. Slowing down is a challenge for many in sports, and because prayer requires us to slow down, it’s something we often find difficult to do.

As athletes and coaches, you have a unique opportunity to integrate prayer into your life and sport. This won’t be for recognition, but to deepen your connection with God. Before we dive into some practical ways to develop your prayer life, let’s first explore what prayer is and why it matters.

Let’s Not Overcomplicate Prayer 

As athletes and coaches, we sometimes make things more complicated than they need to be. It’s easy to get caught up in the culture of sports and use all the lingo to sound like an expert in the field. You might find yourself watching videos on YouTube, like Jon Gruden breaking down plays, drawing intricate diagrams, and saying things like, “896 H-Shallow F-Curl,” while explaining exactly what that means. But when it comes down to it, football is about one simple thing: scoring more points than your opponent. It’s a complex game, but at its core, it’s simple. Score more points. Don’t overcomplicate it.

Prayer can be like that, too. We can come up with all kinds of strategies and plans, as if we’re drawing up X’s and O’s on a whiteboard, but at its heart, prayer is simply a conversation with God. Throughout the Bible, prayer is described as a two-way dialogue between us and God. It’s a space where we can talk to Him about what excites us, what we’re struggling with, where we need wisdom, or what He’s asking us to do. It’s a way to reflect on who God is, what others need, or how we need to grow.

Prayer is speaking honestly from our hearts to our heavenly Father. In return, God speaks to us through His Word and guides us by the leading of His Spirit. Through these conversations, something profound happens: we are changed. By some mystery, God uses prayer to align our hearts with His will.

  • He uses prayer to remind us of who we are and how we’re called to live.

  • He grows our love for others, helping us see them as people made in His image, with infinite value and worth.

  • He cultivates empathy in us, teaching us to slow down, be curious, and engage with others on a deeper level.

  • Through prayer, we are drawn into His redemptive story, where He allows us to play a part in His work.

  • As we pray, we are reminded of our sins, giving us space to confess and receive His grace and love.

  • Prayer teaches us to trust His timing and perspective, even when the "results" aren’t what we expect.

These are just a few of the things prayer is and what it does. It’s about showing up, having a conversation with God, and letting Him work in and through you. 

Three Things You Can Do Today To Start Praying For Your Team 

We’re in the middle of youth wrestling season and I’m coaching a group of young and inexperienced wrestlers. Over the past couple of seasons, I’ve noticed there’s no replacement for getting real experience. You can go over technique in practice, but you can’t fully replicate the intensity of competing. At some point, you just have to get on the mat and wrestle.. Every practice and competition, we remind the kids of four key things: “It doesn’t need to be perfect, it’s going to be hard, but show up and give it your all. And while you’re at it, have some fun.”

When it comes to prayer, sometimes you just need a place to start. With that in mind, I’ve put together three practical things you can do today to jumpstart your prayer life:

Pray Through Your Team Roster

Maybe you’ve never thought about this before, but praying through your team roster is one of the most practical things you can do as an athlete or coach. You already have a ready-made group of people you can pray for by name and face. Take time to pray specifically for each person and watch what God does. Remember, prayer is a conversation with God. You’re not preaching a sermon to him. As you pray through the list, it can be as simple as “God, help Ashley to experience your presence today. Help Natasha to stay positive. Help Mariah to play free and not worry about what others think. Also don’t be surprised if He nudges you to engage with certain teammates or coaches—even the ones you might not know well or don’t always get along with.

When I was a college athlete, I printed off my team roster and taped it to my desk. Every time I sat down, it reminded me to pray for my team. I didn’t try to get through the entire roster in one sitting. I just showed up consistently. What surprised me was how often I’d pray for someone in the morning and end up having a meaningful conversation with them later that day at practice. Was it because I prayed for them? Or was it because God opened my heart to love them the way He does? I’d like to think the answer is “yes” to both.

Get a Small Group Together to Pray

You don’t need a big announcement or a social media post to start. Just grab a couple of like-minded teammates or coaches and have a conversation with God. Keep it simple. You don’t need to over-plan or create an event. The power is in faithfully showing up as a group to pray for what God wants to do in your lives and in your athletic community.

Across the country, there are small groups of athletes and coaches quietly gathering to pray. You’ll probably never hear about them—and that’s a beautiful thing. When I was an athlete, a small group of us met weekly at someone’s house for 45 minutes to pray (and, of course, there were snacks). I was young in my faith, and it took me almost the entire year to feel comfortable praying out loud. But listening to others pray taught me so much about God, my relationship with Him, and how to pray with boldness for the athletic world. We weren’t trying to be flashy. We were just trying to be faithful.

If you’re not sure where to start, use the acronym “ACTS” to guide your group prayers:

  • A = Adoration: Praise God for who He is.

  • C = Confession: Be honest about your sins and weaknesses.

  • T = Thanksgiving: Thank Him for your team, health, opportunities, and blessings big and small.

  • S = Supplication: Ask for help for yourself, your teammates, coaches, trainers, and administrators.

I know some of you reading this may come from a tradition with a stronger liturgical or common prayer background, which is a beautiful aspect of faith to be celebrated. For those seeking more direction and focus in prayer, consider exploring The (Online) Book of Common Prayer or Every Moment Holy guided prayer and reflection. 

Start Each Workout with Prayer

Sometimes we get so focused on praying for competition that we overlook the importance of daily workouts. These are perfect opportunities to pause and remember that God is present and wants to reveal Himself through your sport. Imagine if you approached each workout as an act of worship. That perspective could make your competitions even more meaningful.

Before you begin a workout, take a quiet moment in the locker room, where no one else is watching, and ask God to reveal Himself to you during the session. Ask Him to remind you of His truths and to help you be a great teammate or an authentic coach. Starting your workouts with prayer shifts your focus back to the One who gave you the gifts and abilities to compete in the first place.

We can plan and strategize all we want. But at some point, we just need to pause and pray. Take one of these practical ideas and put it into practice today. Watch what God does in your heart, and in the hearts of others, as you consistently converse with the Maker of the Universe.

And remember: “It doesn’t need to be perfect, it’s going to be hard, but show up and give it your all. And while you’re at it, have some fun.”

Tyler Turner

Tyler Turner is on staff with Athletes in Action. He has a Masters in Theology and Sports Studies at Baylor University’s Truett Theological Seminary. He also serves on the Ultimate Training Camp Executive Team. Tyler lives in Madison, WI with his wife, Phoebe, and their three boys.


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