Practicing the Presence of God in Sport
7 tips to help Christian athletes practice the presence of God in competition and practice.
The Dangers of “Sportianity”
10 of the most provocative quotes from Frank Deford's Religion in Sport series published almost 50 years ago.
4 Bible Reading Tips for Athletes
How do we read the Bible as athletes? We pay attention to context, we don’t connect war-like language to competition (or our competitors), we understand the original author’s intent, and we read the wisdom books as wisdom—not promises.
Do Angels Help Athletes?
I think there is a biblical basis to believe God is going to use whatever he has at his disposal, including angels, to work all things for the good of those who love him and are called according to his purpose.
What do Athletic Trainers and the Philippian Jailer Have in Common?
Athletic trainers are positioned in one of the most strategic places in all of sports to be used by God in significant ways.
What Immanuel Means for Athletes
101 different ways that God is with us as we navigate our lives as athletes.
A Brief History of Christian Engagement with Sport
How have Christians changed over the past two thousand years with how we have thought about and engaged in sports? How have we stayed the same? And how did the historical context influence our thinking?
4 Shifts Needed to Fix Youth Sports
How do we redeem youth sports for the sake of our kids, our sanity, and God’s glory? These shifts will best position our kids to thrive today and lay a healthy foundation for their relationship with sport tomorrow.
4 Areas of a Well-Rounded Athlete (and how to think Christianly about them)
A well-rounded Christian athlete trains intentionally—and Christianly, in four areas: physically, mentally, spiritually, and socially.
21 Short Prayers of Thanksgiving for Athletes
Daily prayers of thanksgiving help athletes stretch and grow their muscles of gratitude and more importantly, glorify God in the process.
Practical Prayers for Competing Athletes
All of life is in relationship with God for the Christian athlete and this certainly includes the moments before, during and after our games.
The Missional Athlete
Our identity as missional athletes gives us a purpose that transcends earthly wins and success.
The Connected Athlete
Our Christian identity offers us a personal connection with a loving God.
The Adopted Athlete: Understanding Your Identity in Christ
While the approval of fans, coaches, friends, and sometimes earthly parents is often dependent on your performance for them, God’s approval for you as an adopted son or daughter is dependent on His performance for you.
Bible Study Training Webinars
A Bible study webinar series to help athletes launch and lead Bible studies that leave legacies beyond their time at their school.
What is an Audience of One Coach?
Is it possible to coach with an Audience of One mindset? If so, what does it look like practically?
What Every Athlete Wants From Their Coach
7 ways to make sure that every player on your team knows they are loved.
Winning Beyond The Scoreboard
For the athlete who has heard at various points that winning isn’t everything, what does it truly look like to win beyond the scoreboard?
5 Questions at the Intersection of Mental Health, Faith, and Sports
The following post is a 30 minute presentation to the athletic department of a Christian university that has been transcribed. The university is prioritizing mental health conversations throughout the school year and Linsey and I provided the introduction to the topic. We asked and answered 5 questions at the intersection of mental health, faith, and sport.